Posiflex JIVA HS-2310
All In One
POS unit
Touch Screen
Thermal Printer
Finger Print Sensor
About Us
PT. SETIA SAPTA is a company in retail total solution. We registered in 1951 under the name of NV. Handle Maatschappij V / h M.A. Alatas & Co.
In 1964 the company change the name to PT. SETIA SAPTA, and in 1972 create subcompany PT. SUCACO or Supreme Cable.
PT. Setia Sapta
Jl. Gajah Mada No. 183-184
Jakarta Barat - 11120
Phone: (62-21) 629 6208
Fax : (62-21) 629 7861
Email : contact.us@setiasapta.co.id
Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed